Where do we collect your data from ?
- Personal/demographic data and contact details originate from information that you choose to share with us and/or from publicly accessible sources
- Financial, property and family status data originate from information that you choose to share with us and/or from other accessible sources, such as land registries, cadastral offices and the Mortgages and Prenotations of Mortgages (MPS) System of TIRESIAS S.A.
- Data on any failure on your part to meet your financial obligations, credit profiling and credit scoring data, originate from the files (Systems) of TIRESIAS S.A., Alpha Bank, as well as from Collections Agencies of Law 3758/2009 collaborating with Alpha Leasing and Alpha Bank, and from law firms, lawyers and credit servicing firms (companies managing claims from Non-Performing Loans) of Law 4354/2015, for related cases assigned to them by Alpha Leasing and Alpha Bank
- Market profiling data arising from the use of Alpha Bank products and from the contracts for such products, as well as such data that originate from the Credit Consolidation System (CCS) of TIRESIAS S.A.
- Data on your investment profile originate from information that you choose to share with us and Alpha Bank
- Data on payments originate from information that you choose to share with us or from payment service providers or from Alpha Bank, after obtaining your permission
- Identity, marketing profiling data or positioning data or cookies, originate from devices/applications that you use and/or from publicly accessible sources, including social media and service providers collaborating with Alpha Bank (e.g. Google)
- Health data originate from information which you have provided on your own initiative directly to us or through Alpha Bank
- Data from telephone conversations with us originate from the recordings of such conversations, of which recordings you are fully aware and which are made in accordance with the requirements of the relevant legislative framework.