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Imposition on Leasing Contracts of the contribution of Law 128/75

By virtue of Article 63 of Law 4607/2019 (Government Gazette Volume A’ 65 / 24.4.2019) the contribution of article 1 of Law 128/1975, currently amounting to 0.60% per annum, has been imposed on funding and credits granted by Leasing Companies.

The entry into force of the new regulation has been set as of the first month, following the Publication of the Law in the Government Gazette, i.e. as of 1.5.2019, and it is applicable both to existing and new leasing contracts. Such contribution is contractually charged to the lessee and consequently payable by Alpha Leasing to the Greek State.

Finally, it should be noted that the relevant legal framework regulating this contribution as regards credit institutions remains in force, and it is applied to Leasing Companies mutatis mutandis. Therefore, the provisions concerning any reduced rate / exemption from the contribution, which apply to credit institutions, are accordingly applicable to financial leasing.